Nearby villages
- Banks (6)
- Restaurants (6)
- Hairdressers (5)
- Florists (4)
- Bakeries (3)
- Electricians (3)
- Mutual insurance companies (3)
- Pharmacies (3)
- Agricultural machinery (2)
- Art (2)
Opening hours of Restaurants in Sint-Amands
Den Amandus
Amandusdreef 1
2890 Sint-AmandsOpen now
12:00 - 24:00 -
De Wok
Provincialeweg 7
2890 Sint-AmandsOpen now
17:00 - 22:30 -
Eethuis Yuram
Buisstraat 17
2890 Sint-AmandsClosed -
Kaai 24
2890 Sint-AmandsOpen now
11:00 - 22:30 -
The Dining Room
Provincialeweg 99
2890 Sint-AmandsOpen now
18:00 - 21:00 -
Bistro Lara Louise
Kerkstraat 16
2890 Sint-AmandsClosed