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Opening hours China Express Ixelles
China Express in Ixelles is currently closed but will reopen today from 18:00 to 23:30.
24 Feb - 02 Mar
03 Mar - 09 Mar
Monday24 February03 March
Tuesday25 February04 March
Wednesday26 February05 March
Thursday27 February06 March
Friday28 February07 March
Saturday01 March08 March
Sunday02 March09 March
More restaurants in Ixelles:
Franz Merjaystraat 165
1050 IxellesOpen now
12:00 - 23:30 -
Tam-Tam Gourmand
Waverse Steenweg 72
1050 IxellesOpen now
11:00 - 23:00 -
Be Burger
Luxemburgplein 43
1050 IxellesClosed -
Viaductstraat 133
1050 IxellesClosed -
Quartier Léopold
Luxemburgplein 9
1050 IxellesClosed -
Kapitein Crespelstraat 1
1050 IxellesClosed -
Chez Oki
Lesbroussartstraat 62
1050 IxellesClosed -
Callens Cafe
Louizalaan 480
1050 IxellesClosed -
Lesbroussartstraat 58
1050 IxellesClosed -
Villa Thai
Washingtonstraat 51
1050 IxellesClosed