Nearby villages
- Clothing stores (20)
- Banks (17)
- Florists (16)
- Restaurants (15)
- Garden stores (12)
- Hairdressers (12)
- Butchers (9)
- Furniture (9)
- Shoe stores (7)
- Supermarkets (7)
Shopping streets
- Antwerpse Steenweg (72)
- Dorp-West (50)
- Dorp-Oost (36)
- Koning-Albertlaan (14)
- Denen (10)
- Rivierstraat (9)
- Zeveneken-Dorp (9)
- Kerkstraat (8)
- Toleindestraat (7)
- Ambachtenlaan (6)
Opening hours of stores in Lochristi
Dorp-West 108
9080 LochristiClosed -
Roggeman Chris
Denen 141
9080 LochristiClosed -
Denen Cars
Denen 97
9080 LochristiClosed -
Seats and Sofas
Antwerpse Steenweg 102
9080 LochristiClosed -
Antwerpse Steenweg 44-46
9080 LochristiClosed -
Schoenen Torfs
Antwerpse Steenweg 73
9080 LochristiClosed -
Press Shop
Dorp-Oost 18a&b
9080 LochristiClosed -
Van Poucke-De Veirman Aardbeien
Reigersstraat 9
9080 Beervelde (Lochristi)Closed -
Kerkstraat 39C
9080 Zaffelare (Lochristi)Closed -
Concept Fashion Store
Antwerpse Steenweg 94c
9080 LochristiClosed -
Dorp-Oost 84
9080 LochristiClosed -
KBC Bank
Zaffelare-Dorp 24
9080 Zaffelare (Lochristi)By appointment -
Antwerpse Steenweg 91
9080 LochristiClosed -
ING Bank (Hulpiau-Van Bruyssel)
Moleneinde 16
9080 Zaffelare (Lochristi)Closed -
Bosdreef 1B
9080 LochristiClosed -
Antwerpse Steenweg 70
9080 LochristiClosed -
Horta (De Meyer)
Ruilare 123
9080 LochristiClosed -
Louis Delhaize
Oosteinde 1
9080 Zaffelare (Lochristi)Closed -
Kringwinkel De Cirkel
Dorp-Oost 152 A
9080 LochristiClosed -
Close-Up (Katja Retsin)
Dorp-West 16
9080 LochristiClosed -
Jo Catering
Dorp-Oost 2B
9080 LochristiClosed -
vdk bank
Koning-Albertlaan 13
9080 LochristiClosed -
Dirk De Witte Kappers
Dorp-Oost 39
9080 LochristiClosed -
Fintro (Bruynsteen)
Dorp-West 34
9080 LochristiClosed -
Juwelier Imschoot
Dorp-Oost 32D
9080 LochristiClosed