Nearby villages
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- Garden centers (7)
- Caterers (6)
- Filling stations (6)
Opening hours of Pubs in Zonhoven
Praatcafé 't Cultureel
Kneuterweg 2a
3520 ZonhovenOpen now
17:00 - 01:00 -
Café Breughel
Genkerbaan 67
3520 ZonhovenOpen now
13:30 - 03:00 -
't Zonneke
Halveweg 47
3520 ZonhovenOpen now
11:00 - 24:00 -
The Pub
Heuvenstraat 20
3520 ZonhovenClosed -
Quo Vadis
3520 ZonhovenClosed -
Heuvenstraat 9/2
3520 ZonhovenClosed