Nearby villages
- Hairdressers (18)
- Clothing stores (15)
- Banks (11)
- Beauty salons (10)
- Supermarkets (9)
- Friteries (8)
- Restaurants (8)
- Garden centers (7)
- Caterers (6)
- Filling stations (6)
Opening hours of Services in Zonhoven
Koll Grooming Products
Senator A. Jeurissenlaan 1155
3520 ZonhovenClosed -
Nieuwe Hazendansweg 6
3520 ZonhovenBy appointment -
Lodewyckx Andy
Schutenseweg 72
3520 ZonhovenBy appointment -
Voordeligste Lenzen
Oppelsenweg 87
3520 ZonhovenClosed -
Oppelsenweg 67
3520 ZonhovenClosed -
The Fungroup
Hortweidenweg 25
3520 ZonhovenClosed